Hourly Comic Day

I took part in hourly comic day. Did you?

I had to squeeze my drawing in around work, and I was pretty impressed that I managed it all on the day. A few years ago I got the worst hand cramp trying, and my drawings were no where near as finished. It’s exciting to be able to see progression, in this case I think it’s just in the confidence to get the panels down on paper and not overthink when under pressure.

These were drawn straight into my sketchbook, and then inked over the pencils. It was a very fun challenge.

Here’s my comics!

Thanks for reading!

Skate Witch

I made this ages ago, but then kept going back and messing with it which meant it never got posted!


I'm really missing skating and my beautiful league right now. This whole month I've had to skip training in order to work on my new comic, as I really want to have it ready for Thought Bubble in September. I love all my hobbies so much, but sometimes I just can't squeeze them all in. Comic work is going quite well though, despite a rocky start.

Thanks for visiting!

Digital Warm-ups.

I've been writing my next comic story, so I've not done very much drawing lately. Last night I decided to give up typing for a few hours, and asked for people to tag me in their selfies so I could draw them.

These are the two I did last night, and finished this morning. Thank you to Sherri and Wensdi for letting me draw their lovely faces, and sorry to everyone else. I ran out of time!