Ahhhh. I made this cute kitty with an eyepatch. She’s a brooch.
Hand-sewn using acrylic felt, cotton threat and metallic thread. She’s actually only 5.5cm wide. Each stich is less that 1mm.
My cat always needs illustrating. This time he can be seen with a ruff, made using ink and watercolour as a birthday gift for my partner.
My friend Daisy made the sweetest illustration of my cat, Vincent, for my birthday. When it was their birthday the other week I made them an illustration of their cat in return!
I made this using watercolour and ink on a very textured paper - so it’s been quite difficult to get a good scan and clean it up. I’ve included some of my work in progress shots below. It was an absolutely scorching day so I sat in my garden to paint.
Just Vampy Things
I scanned in a new drawing from my sketchbook. Probably a little bit Marceline inspired - I do love the way she hovers above the ground.
Edited into a square and the shadow added in CSP.